AORTIC 2023 | Poster Preparation Guide
We look forward to having you present your research at the AORTIC 2023 Conference.
Posters will be loosely grouped according to the topic they were submitted under, and displayed in two sessions:
- Session One (Friday, 3 Nov and Saturday, 4 Nov)
- Session Two (Sunday, 5 Nov and Monday, 6 Nov)
You are encouraged to be present at your poster during lunches and refreshment breaks to answer questions and engage in discussion.
Download the poster session schedule here. !UPDATED SCHEDULE AS OF 2 NOVEMBER!
Poster Size and Layout
- Size A1: 594 mm (height) x 841 mm (width)
- Portrait orientation
- The text and the illustrations should be readable from 1.5 meters

Poster Elements
- Title: Shorter is catchier and will fit more easily. Font size recommendation: 90pt
- Name and affiliation: Both should be easily discernible; your viewers want to know where you and your co-authors come from.
- Headings: Show viewers at a glance what each section is about. Font size recommendation: 36 – 48pt
- Introduction: What are you talking about and why should your viewers be interested? Brevity is important here as the content of the introduction will be illuminated elsewhere on the poster.
- Body: The main part of your story. Keep text to a minimum (use 800 words as a guide). Font size recommendation: +/-24pt
- Graphics: Graphics such as tables, charts, and photos are important on posters. They should be relevant, prominent, and of a suitable quality to be printed on the A1 poster.
- Conclusions: What should viewers take away with them?
- References: Give credit to any resources you used in making your poster.
Displaying Your Poster at the Conference
Download the poster session schedule here. !UPDATED SCHEDULE AS OF 2 NOVEMBER!
- The poster area is in Exhibition Hall F, Ground floor.
- Your poster space will be indicated with your poster number (refer to poster session schedule).
- Fixative will be available from a Poster Assistant in the poster area, or from the Registration Desk.
- Set up is from 07:00. Please make sure that your poster is present before 09:00.
- You are encouraged to be present at your poster during lunches and refreshment breaks in order to answer questions and engage in discussion.
Important note: be sure to carefully store your poster tube for the duration of the conference, the conference staff will not be able to assist with this.
Removing Your Poster
- It is your responsibility to remove your poster.
- Posters from Poster Session One must be removed by latest 18:30 on Saturday, 4 November. Posters from Poster Session Two must be removed by latest 18:30 on Monday, 6 November.
- Any posters not removed will be disposed of.
Programme Secretariat Contact Details
If you have any questions regarding your poster presentation, please feel free to contact the Programme Secretariat.
AORTIC 2023 Programme Secretariat
K.I.T. Group – African Agenda
Tel: +27 (0)21 683 2934