






AdvancIng Cancer Care Across AfrIca:

EquIty Through EmpowerIng Research and EducatIon

HarnessIng AfrIcan PartnershIp to DrIve QualIty of Cancer Care and PatIent Outcomes

AORTIC 2025 | 2 – 5 November

Welcome Message

Dear Colleagues,

We are delighted to invite you to attend the upcoming AORTIC 2025 conference on cancer in Africa that will be held in Hammamet, Tunisia. The event brings together professionals from various disciplines across the field of oncology that promises to be both exciting and enriching.

This year's theme, “Advancing Cancer Care Across Africa: Equity through empowering Research and Education - Harnessing African Partnership to Drive Quality of Cancer Care and Patient Outcomes””, underscores the importance of ensuring our patients' voices remain central to these conversations. The lineup of topics and discussions being planned by the Scientific Program Committee is diverse and comprehensive, offering attendees...


AORTIC 2023 Statıstıcs

The 14th AORTIC International Conference on Cancer in Africa took place in Dakar, Senegal, from 2 to 6 November 2023.

Socıal Events

  • Beachfront Walk
  • Movie Night
  • Tunisian Inspired Conference Dinner
  • AORTIC Members Networking Lounge
  • & more to come!

Top fıve reasons to attend

  1. Present your research, share your expertise, hear case studies and gain practical information to ensure success in cancer management and research in Africa
  2. Participate in workshops led by an expert speaking faculty
  3. Broaden your network for clinical support, collaboration and education
  4. Keep up to date and make empowered and educated decisions on what is happening in the field of cancer in Africa
  5. Access more than twenty hours of networking with cancer professionals from 65+ different countries across all fields

Who should attend

  • Medical oncologists
  • Radiation Oncologists
  • Surgical Oncologists
  • Nurses, fellows and registrars
  • Specialists and academics
  • Clinicians and scientists
  • Advocates and policymakers
  • Public health professionals
  • Trade representatives: technology, imaging, therapeutics and pharmaceuticals

How you can become ınvolved & support AORTIC 2025:

  • Submit a proposal for a session
  • Sponsor an industry symposium
  • Sponsor AORTIC 2025 session or workshop
  • Sponsor African delegates to attend AORTIC 2025
  • Host an exhibition booth

Contact Emails:

