Clinical Trials
Implementation Science
Paediatric Oncology
Radiation Oncology
Cancer Screening
Cancer Genomics
Surgical Oncology
Medical Oncology
Oncology Nursing
National Cancer Control Plans
Site-specific cancers prevalent in Africa
AI (Artificial Intelligence)
Palliative Care
Precision Medicine
Digital Technology
Mental Health
Basic Research
Oncology Pharmacy
Cancer Surveillance
On behalf of the Organizing Committee of the 15th AORTIC International Conference on Cancer in Africa, we invite you to submit your research.
The online submission and evaluation process is administered by Kenes M+, the Conference Organizing Secretariat.
Abstract Submission Deadline is May 2, 2025, 23:59 (GMT +1hours).
Please take a moment to read the below guidelines before submitting your abstract:
- All abstracts must be written in English or French.
- All abstracts must be submitted online through the abstract submission system by the deadline May 2, 2025, 23:59 (GMT + 1 hours). Abstracts that are sent via e-mail will not be included in the abstract review process.
- Please do NOT submit multiple copies of the same abstract.
- Use acronyms only when necessary and define all abbreviations and concepts in your abstract at first use.
- The submitting and presenting authors are required to ensure that all co-authors are aware of the content of the abstract before submission.
- Always make sure to check the final abstract with the system's preview function before submission and edit or replace as necessary. It is the authors' responsibility to submit a correct abstract. Any errors in spelling, grammar or scientific fact will be reproduced as typed by the author.
- Only the accepted abstracts of presenting authors who have completed their registrations and paid their registration fees by the abstract presenters registration deadline July 14, 2025 will be included in the Scientific Program and conference abstract e-book.
- Since there will be no editing process on the abstracts, the authors are required to avoid any typing errors, incorrect order of the authors, errors or spelling in writing related to institutions, etc.
STEP 1- Presentation Preference
- Topic/Sub-Topic: A main topic that is relevant for your abstract must be selected during Step 1 of the submission process. The Abstract Review Committee reserves the right to change the topics during the abstract review process.
The topics for AORTIC 2025 are listed on the Conference website. Please review topics above before proceeding with the submission process. - Presentation type: Please choose one of the following:
- Oral presentation
- Poster presentation
- No preference
The Abstract Review Committee reserves the right to change the presentation type according to the requirements of the scientific program. The decision of the Abstract Review Committee is final.
STEP 2 - Institution Information
- The institution(s) of the authors should be indicated fully with the “department” and “institution” names while avoiding any abbreviations such as Dept., Univ., Inst., Hosp., etc.
- The department and institution names, as well as the city and country, should be written in lowercase, with the first letter of each word capitalized.
- Please make sure to include the City and Country information at the end for each institution.
- Enter each affiliation only once.
STEP 3 - Author Information
- First, middle and last names of all the authors must be fully indicated correctly and in the right order. Please pay attention to matching the institutions from the dropdown menu to the right authors, and make sure that you select the “presenting author” correctly from the Author List.
STEP 4 - Presenting Author Information
- Please enter the presenting author’s contact information correctly.
It’s highly important for you to ensure that the email addresses of all presenting authors are entered correctly, as all communication regarding the acceptance, any required adjustments, and scheduling will be sent to the presenting author via e-mail by the Conference Organizing Secretariat.
- The presenting author will be required to register for the Conference in order to confirm acceptance of the abstract.
STEP 5 - Abstract Title
- An abstract must have a short, specific title (containing no abbreviations) that indicates the nature of the investigation.
- Abstract titles can contain a maximum of 100 characters.
- Titles should not be typed in UPPERCASE.
- Use only generic drug names. Brand, product or company names must not be used in the abstract title or text. AORTIC 2025 Organizing and Abstract Review Committees reserve the right to replace any brand name with a generic name.
STEP 6 - Abstract
- Word Count: The body of the Abstract should not exceed 300 words. The title of the abstract, authors, institutions and keywords are not included in this limit, and those should not be entered in this section.
- Abstract body should consist of 4 sections given below:
- Objectives: Introductory sentence indicating the objective and purpose of the study.
- Methods: Description of experimental procedures, including applicable statistical evaluation.
- Results: Summary of the data and results.
- Conclusions: Statement of the study’s conclusions.
- Abstracts should not describe research in which the chemical identity or source of the reagent is proprietary or cannot be revealed.
- Standard abbreviations may be used without definition. Non-standard abbreviations (kept to a minimum) must be placed in parentheses after the first use of the word or phrase abbreviated.
- Do not include the names or personal information of any patient participating in a study or trial.
- Phrases such as “results will be discussed” or “data will be presented” shall not be used.
- References, funding sources and acknowledgements should not be included in the abstract body.
- Generic names for pharmaceuticals, biologicals, and medical devices should be used in place of trade names. Trade names should only be used if equivalent products from multiple manufacturers are being compared.
STEP 7 - Keywords
- Keywords should not be included in the abstract body but written in the section dedicated for keywords.
- Minimum 1 keyword is required and maximum 6 keywords can be entered.
- All keywords should be written in lower case. Type the keyword in the 'Select or type tags' field and press enter.
STEP 8 - Additional Files
- Images, tables, diagrams and graphs are NOT allowed.
STEP 9 - Preview & Check
- Any comments and/or additional information to be shared with the Abstract Review Committee can be submitted through the comment box.
STEP 10 - Submit to the Abstract Review Committee
- If you have not completed all required sections of your abstract, you won’t see the submission button. Only after completing all required fields, the submission button will be enabled for you.
After Submission
- When the submission process is finalized, you will see your abstract on your account Home page. Please be aware that the Abstract Review Committee will not receive "Not-Submitted Abstracts" and these therefore CANNOT be taken into consideration in the abstract review process.
- Upon submitting of your abstract an e-mail including the "Abstract Number" and "Abstract Title" will be sent to the submitting author. Please make sure to save your username and password for future use.
- You can make edits on your abstract before submitting it to the Abstract Review Committee. After the submission is completed, no edits will be allowed on the system even if there is time until the deadline. In that case, if you have to make some edits on your abstract after submitting but before the submission deadline, please contact the Conference Organizing Secretariat at (cavcioglu@kenes.com ).
All submitted abstracts will be scored and passed through a review process after the submission closes. The notification letters about acceptance of the abstracts will be sent at the end of June 2025.
The presenting author(s) must complete their conference registration by the deadline of July 14, 2025, which is the latest date for abstract presenters to register.
The abstracts of unregistered presenting authors who do not complete registration (including payment) by this deadline will be removed from the final program and all conference publications.
Thank you for submitting your work for consideration. Please contact us directly at cavcioglu@kenes.com should you have any specific inquiries.